We provide support to Looked after children and Care Leavers 16 plus transition into independence.

Our mission is simple every life matters we want every young person to achieve their full potential under our care. We want young people to know their value and become responsible adults and have access to employment, education and training.

About us

Trinity (WYLM) was established with the purpose of delivering bespoke client-centred placements for children/young people aged between16 and 18 years who may be subjected to criminal exploitation, involved in gangs, persistent and serious offending behaviour and young people at risk of or involved with radicalisation.

The support offered are specifically targeted and sustainable using a range of accommodation and support services for vulnerable young people with complex needs affected by Contextual Safeguarding.

  • The good teacher explains.
  • The superior teacher demonstrates.
  • The great teacher inspires.

About us

Trinity (WYLM) was established with the purpose of delivering bespoke client-centred placements for children/young people aged between16 and 18 years who may be subjected to criminal exploitation, involved in gangs, persistent and serious offending behaviour and young people at risk of or involved with radicalisation.

The support offered are specifically targeted and sustainable using a range of accommodation and support services for vulnerable young people with complex needs affected by Contextual Safeguarding.

  • The good teacher explains.
  • The superior teacher demonstrates.
  • The great teacher inspires.

How we help our young people

Low Risk

This package provides a minimum of 5 hours key work sessions per week with accommodation for young people transitioning from care.

Medium Risk

This package provides support for young people who require moderate supervision and support with accommodation. A minimum of 10 hours key work sessions and one to one support.

High Risk

This package involves intense support and supervision which may include one to one support over 24 hours for young people affected by contextual safeguarding including gangs and CSE.

Supported accommodation for young people

Our semi-independent placements are designed to help prepare care leavers move through the difficult transition to independence.

A staff of experienced, qualified social work professionals

A significant part of our work involves using the Social Graccess Model which supports our holistic approach to every young person’s needs. By examining aspects of our identities we can think about how they shape our perspectives and actions.
